Phone: (866) 473-8547  |  Email:

PharmaCaribe, LLC
3513 Di Leuca Street
Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(866) 473-8547 (phone toll-free)
+1 (804) 212-2480 (phone international)
(866) 532-0076 (fax)

or via email:

PharmaCaribe welcomes the opportunity to collaborate closely with those who want to “help patients breathe a little better”.

Please contact Werner Gutmann directly to talk about novel product ideas, licensing, private label options or other possible collaborations including international distribution.

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    • Tip of The Day

    Let Sputum Cultures Be Your Guide

    When your patients currently using USP 7% saline come for their next routine check-up and sputum culture, replace their Rx to PulmoSal 7% (pH+) and compare their next 2-3 sputum PA cfu counts on following visits.