W. Randolph Warner (Senior pharmaceutical development and regulatory pathway executive) and Werner Gutmann (former President and Chairman of the Board for PARI Respiratory Inc.) joined to focus on developing, sourcing and marketing “novel” pharmaceutical and medical device products with added therapeutic benefit.
In 2010 PharmaCaribe was the first company to get Hypertonic Saline in 3%, 3.5%, 6%, 7% and 10% concentration cleared by FDA with the indication for sputum production beyond diagnostic purposes. In the same year the Cystic Fibrosis Services Pharmacy, subsidiary of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation acquired an exclusive license for our then new Hypertonic Saline 7%.
Today, PharmaCaribe is a global leader specializing in inhaled saline solutions. Our daily mission is to find solutions that help Physicians, Pharmacists, other healthcare professionals, parents and patients alike to improve the safety and effectiveness of saline for inhalation. To that effect, PharmaCaribe received FDA clearance in 2013 for a 2nd Generation, bio-balanced™ Hypertonic Saline solution in 6 different concentrations.
“Thank you for browsing our website! We hope that you get as inspired as we are about Hypertonic Saline and its benefits helping patients breath better.”
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